Mobile Suit Gundam theoretical Remake opinions?
TLDR, what would you think of a full shot for shot remake of the original gundam series/movies?
Due to some nasty comments I got on a sort of jokey post I made about how little I understood about the overall storyline, I've gone back and began watching the original Gundam movies/series 1, 2 and 3 on netflix.
Turns out I was right about most of what I was able to glean from a youtube essay and the intro to GQUUUUUX, (which now appears to be a whole new alt timeline branching from the UC?) I'm wondering how people would feel about a fully remade version? Now I understand the nostalgia people have about these 70s-80s style, but I really struggle with it as I've been spoiled on things like "Your Name" and other modern treats. But imagine the original RX rendered in excruciating detail. I imagine it would be like the moment the Constitution Class Enterprise appeared on screen in the JJ. Abrams star trek.