War Crimes and Nukes
There's always a bunch of "what about" isms when it comes to the war crimes both sides inflicted during the OYW, however an argument I used to hear was that both the EFF and Zeon used nukes indiscriminately during the first week, leading to the Antarctic Treaty.
But the western released media I was exposed to in the 90s/00s only really showed Zeon using nukes (like 3 seconds after declaring war) and subsequent media shows EFF allied colonies glassed by Zeon usually, with the EFF actively defending.
I've only seen instances of the EFF using nukes in fleet engagements.
Which leads me to believe that when "both sides lost half their populations" Zeon's lost half were military personnel, while EFF's was military+civilians, given their relative sizes.
Soooooo--anyone got any sources on this "indiscriminate nuke use by both sides on the general population"?