(WTS/WTT) Eotech, Holosun, TruGlo, knives, parts, etc.

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/iSdlCez Serial numbers: https://imgur.com/a/nOVFoim

All prices are shipped

No more use or need for these items as I've moved on or found better alternatives

  1. Eotech 512 Catch and Release. Some salt and delam but works like a charm $220 SOLD

  2. Holosun HE403R-Gold dot. Bought brand new and fired about 300 rounds with it on. No salt with original packaging included. -$125 SOLD

  3. TruGlo XR21 pistol red dot. Bought brand new and fired about 50 rounds with it. No salt with original packaging included. - $90

  4. Aero assembled upper Catch and Release. Minor salt -$50 SOLD

Misc: - Pocket knives: $15 each or all 3 for $40 SOLD - A2 grip brand new: $5 SOLD BRT EZTUNE carbine length gas tube catch and release. New never fired SOLD

Trade items interested in: -Radian Raptor SD CH -10.5in Midwest Industries Suppressor Compatible Handguard