League Looking for Drivers


Greetings curious driver!

I previously ran a GT7 league for over a year but life got in the way so I handed the league over to the crew. I hear they continued for quite some time but it eventually fizzled and I am once again in a position to do what I love to do for fun and I've been itching to do it for awhile.
That time has come.
I've been sim racing (obsessively) for years now on everything from Gran Turismo, ACC, Modded AC, BeamNG, WRC, RBR and iRacing....I love it all, but GT7 offers some things that others don't.

I gave up on Sport mode, generally, awhile ago. The quality of racing is often too dirty and it is always GT cars with lobbies full of drivers chasing the "meta" and racing the same models. It just doesn't scratch my itch.
Usually, I'm doing Daily Race A. It uses the cars I love GT7 for, does more than just tarmac circuits and since it is unranked I tend to often get the most respectful racing.

I want that but I want the races to be longer and involve some strategy, I want a familiar group who are fun to be on track with and are competitive but fair. That was the goal before and we succeeded and that is the goal again but to do it even better.

Is that you? Are you willing to commit to showing up to race every week? To show up with some laps under your belt, a competitive spirit and an interest in enjoying it no matter what the race is?
We will race all sorts of road cars, slower cars and dip our toes in with professionally tuned vehicles and unique racers (Radicals, Monos, etc.)
If you like tuning a car, within limitations, and driving some of the stuff languishing in your garage. If you like making liveries and taking scapes. If you want to race with a community and take some part in it's direction....then we are for you.

What is required from you?

- Join the Discord. It isn't mandatory to be hyper active on there, but it is all organized from there and serves as an easy way to communicate as well as serve as a repository of information that is easily accessible.

- Race fair, race clean and be able to have fun no matter the results.

-Understand that things are going to go wrong, people will make mistakes, and that it's okay to be frustrated but not to rage out.

-Be willing and interested in driving a large variety of cars and tracks as well as run 40 minute racing sessions. It's really not a race till you are forced to be consistent and work a successful strategy.

-Have a stable internet connection. Please. Lagging cars can ruin races...and they look awful in the replays (and I selfishly have an interest in taking photos and perhaps harvesting clips from replays to make some videos for our entertainment)

All the basic info for our first series is in the image, with further details on the Discord, and you can expect more events along those lines...with a diverse carpool based on region/era/niche car types etc. We will also have occassional one-make series and I'd like to do some special sort of one off events so we can find a way to enjoy some content that doesn't really fit into a lengthy series.

Your pace isn't all that important. I'm more interested in your etiquette and your attitude.
It could be difficult to find 16 drivers who all have pace within a second or less of eachother, the realistic ideal is that there is competition up and down the grid so you're always racing against someone.

I've said enough for now, likely too much for some people to read, so I will leave it at that and add a Discord link.
Please keep in mind I am still rebuilding the Discord, more and more info will be added over time but the most important stuff is currently there and well organized.
Please don't lurk without any sort of interaction, I don't allow it to be muddied with loads of members who are likely bots or are never active or participating.

Come say "Hello" and have a look around, we had tons of fun the first time and I aim to have even more this time around.

Discord: https://discord.gg/7empJWS72M