Vent Session
I just need to vent to this group, hoping I’ll get some solidarity in our shared frustration.
I’ve been at this GD lifestyle for 2 months now and still I have 4 to go. I’m losing it. About once a week I break down from the stress of having to cook every single day, all day long. I have other dietary restrictions due to allergies and adding GD into my diet straight up sucks! My partner is little to no help, so I’m exerting energy that I really don’t have having to care for myself through this rotten disease. For as much as I’m proud of myself for getting through 2 months of this, I don’t know how I’m getting through the rest of the pregnancy. Being pregnant is so hard, let alone managing my blood sugars, being on a rotten diet the entire time, and injecting insulin multiple times a day. It’s horrible! Anyone else out there relate?