36 weeks - almost there - so mentally done!

I am 36 weeks, going to be induced 38 weeks for GD along with other risk factors. I am on insulin at night for my fasting levels but all my other levels are diet controlled. I cant wait to be able to eat what I want and when I want. I am sick of eating a meal then having to wait 2 hours to eat again just in case it spikes my number. I want to be able to eat things without guilt or anxiety because it has 5-10 more carbs.

Before pregnancy I eat relatively healthy, know how to eat and what to eat etc.

now it is so infuriating to meet with the dietician weekly and she says things like "stay away from sugary drinks".. which I don't really drink. Continuing to see the dietician and getting near the end and hearing her say "okay well we will talk about how to continue with these things post birth." ... I just want to lose it. Like NO.. I am good. I want to be able to have a week or two just to ENJOY what I want to eat and when I want to eat it with balance. I understand to get back in shape and eat healthy helps with postpartum etc, but I do not want to hear about what to stay away from. I just want to enjoy rest, my baby and if I want to eat a cookie or 2 or pasta I will.

I am just so mentallllly done. I can't wait to go to a restaurant and order and/or drink what I want again without having anxiety about my numbers.

Thanks for listening :)