Us guys need to do better at handling generalizations.

I'm a guy who used to feel upset when a woman said "all men are trash". I never actually said "not all men" or got upset towards anyone, but I did get my feelings hurt and take it personally. I posted on another sub talking about these feelings, and some women were rightfully upset that I was making it about myself. I figured I could post here to make up for that a little. (And yes, I recognize that I shouldn't have had to be told not to get upset about these generalizations. This doesn't make me a "good guy" this is the bare minimum and I don't expect praise for it).

I see a lot of guys talking about "misandry" and saying they were pushed to the right-wing by feminists saying all men are trash. I recognize that it's just not about us. When a woman is venting about her experience of being harassed or discriminated against by men, it's not about me or my feelings. Yeah it sucks to be generalized, of course it's gonna feel bad when someone says that a group you're a part of is all bad. But it's not about us. These generalizations exist because of all the awful violence and discrimination that happens at the hands of men. It's not the same thing as men generalizing women because women have never oppressed or discriminated against men. Of course I might feel bad when a woman says all men are trash but I shouldn't take it personally and neither should other men. You shouldn't be pushed away from the Left or feminism because of a few feminists venting about their experiences.