So upset now

Just a rant to get this off my chest. We started the home buying process, and are on a extremely tight schedule. When we applied for a home loan we were told that the amount we were pre-approved for could go up easily. The guy told us it wouldn't be an issue to bump it up if we found a house slightly out of budget. Okay no worries, we start looking around and find a house just slightly above our pre-approval amount. We fall in love with it, it's perfect. We call the lender and tell them the situation, tell them we're paying off a couple of the debts, and he proceeds to tell us, that he already "maxed us out" to begin with and that getting a higher amount would be very difficult.

We never would have looked at the house if he hadn't told us we were good to get approved for more if necessary. I'm so heartbroken now that we'll probably lose the house.

We're going to look over finances and see if anything can be done but it's just so disappointing. My husband is at work so I can't do anything to move forward until he gets home, so now I'm just spiraling while I wait.

Anyways rant over, I hope all you folks are having better luck out there 🤞🏻