Just hit 1 million!

Feels good hitting a huge milestone that we've been working a long time to hit. My wife (31F) and I (34M) started our journey 10 years ago and both had a good amount of student debt. At first it seemed like we'd never get ahead, but working hard to increase salaries and pay off debt has paid off! We now have $900K in invested index funds (retirement and post tax accounts) and another $150K in home equity and cash. If you're feeling like we felt in the beginning, like it can't be done, I'm here to tell you it can be done! The most important thing is to get started on your journey in some way, no matter how small, and stay consistent. When we first got serious we were netting several hundred dollars a month after bills were paid that we could apply towards our student debt balance of over $100K. It felt so hopeless! but the snowball is real, once you pay a few loans off your bills go down and net income goes up! combine that with some salary increases and momentum really does take over. It takes time, and it will happen if you commit to it. Wishing anyone beginning their journey the best.