Funger being frustrating is the only reason I started to enjoy it.
I just recently started playing Funger 1 about a week ago, despite the fact that I have a crippling fear of anything even remotely scary, and I can confidently say that the only reason I'm enjoying it is because of how unfair it is. In many other horror games I've played in the past, they start out scary but simple when it comes to the gameplay aspect, which has led to many cases where I get scared off from playing the game, unlike in Funger, where, due to how unfair it is from the get-go and how unlucky I am, my fear just slowly turned into frustration and an extreme need to prove myself by beating the game with every game-over I received, eventually leading to all the fear I had towards the game disappearing and me actually enjoying the game.
TL;DR: My fragile ego didn't like the fact I kept losing and replaced my fear, allowing me to enjoy Funger.