Need help writing/visualizing a m/f couple where the woman is considerably taller
Hey folks! I've been writing a self-indulgent project of mine for months now, and I've finally gotten to the point where my characters are starting to get physical. (I'm a prude and in this case I just mean kissing and romantic touching, not sex.) The problem I'm facing however, is that it is a fantasy setting with two non-humans where the female character is a good deal taller than her male lover, and I'm realizing I can't quite visualize it so I'm really stuck on trying to write it! It seems like more thought should go into it than just mentally reversing the roles, because when I try to picture a man initiating a kiss, I automatically envision him being taller or roughly equal in height, and I'm having this mental block here. I was hoping someone might have some thoughts, even if its only to tell me I'm overthinking it!
Details for anyone who cares: it is set in the Final Fantasy XIV universe between G'raha Tia and an OC viera. G'raha is quite short even for his race and viera are pretty tall. I've posed them together in game and he doesn't quite reach her shoulder, if that's useful info.