The Gilded Dragon | 4/40? | 8th yr healing journey, slow burn, Draco is a demisexual virgin & Hermione... is not | blurred reality, mythology, recreation of an ancient Egyptian healing ritual... what could go wrong?

The war is over. Hermione and Draco both find themselves back at Hogwarts — alone in a castle full of people. Finally able to shed the expectations placed upon them as children, they'll work together to heal, figure out what it means to exist in a post-war world, and finally put the ghosts of the past to rest before they derail their future.

Explores the aftermath of trauma, re-traumatization, magical chronic illness, and more.

The Gilded Dragon | 4/40ish | E | updates every 2 weeks

Expect... * hurt/comfort, PTSD, abuse, implied SA, Ron bashing, dissociation, hallucination
* idiots in love, fluff, ‘platonic’ snuggling, gratuitous forehead kisses
* eventual, but copious emotional smut
* Draco -soft for her, protective -trying to be better, but still a bit prickly
* Hermione -bad at feelings, so done, estranged from G3, mildly chaotic?
* romantic mythology, swotty magical science, and mysterious connections * the unintentional invention of the wizarding booty call

Preview - Chapter 5 Excerpt (posting on Wed)

She felt her nerves sever and the lights in her body go out — she went numb and blurry around the edges.  

Peering back past the railing, she watched the surface of the lake drop away beneath her until she was just a speck towering over the abyss.  

“Look at me,” he demanded, leaning in closer, still. His fingers gripped the side of her face, swivelling her head toward him like she was nothing but a doll or an insect to be pinned into place.  

She could see his words as waves, rippling like the echo of a drop in a pond — watched them deform around her body — before her brain could process them into sounds.