Question about behaviour of 7 month Dobie Mix Lucy 🎀

e rescued our silly loving girl at 4 months old and she is the sweetest darling and settling into our family including a senior min pin and senior cat.

I’ve started noticing Lucy exhibiting certain behaviours only with me and not my partner. She never bothers my partner when he eats and is happy to see him come home with a nice greeting. But with me, she’s borderline terrorizing me when I eat, she loses her mind when I come home with hyper greetings including jumping and nipping and she plays rough and nips me even though I play on the more gentle side and never initiates rough play. When I am in the kitchen, she screams and throws her body onto the baby gate desperate to get in.

I wonder if there is something I am doing inadvertently to encourage this behaviour? My partner uses a harder tone with Lucy and will physically correct her. He’s pointed out that I am naturally more soft toned and try to not use physicality to correct her.

I am starting to worry that she will exhibit this behaviour - nipping, jumping, too rough play - with other people in our