Is this deja vu?

Okay, I just experienced something WILD today. And it was kinda like deja but, so I was wondering if it would count but also didn't know where to post about it.

Okay, so today I had a deja but moment that was very sequential and specific, of something I had previously hallucinated/dreamed, so here's how I got the original sorce, then what caused it

Okay I was at a medical appointment, and they were testing me for a bunch of stuff, but no drugs or anything entered me, but I had remember seeing this thing before being startled by a code (my heart not working) but I don't know if I was sleeping or hallucinating, but what I saw was this:

A big white dog, coming over to me, I was dancing around for some reason....and I asked for a jump up hug, which just felt like a natural thing that the dog could do, but the dog missed, landing me in my gut because they didn't try hard enough to jump, before the other paw scraped against my leg, causing a scratch line that looked very specific. After the dog shook and their bandana unclipped and fell.

When I tell you that the exact thing just happened with my dog I have now, who's white, and is a service dog and is trained to do things like "give hugs" but he failed, and scratched me with the same shape, and then shook and his bandana i always keep on fell off. I just stared at him as the music to my dancing kept playing while I searched for where I saw it. And usually deja vu creeps me out, I hate deja but, but this time I felt calm, it was weird, maybe it's cuz I placed where I recognized it.

But it was just so weird I had seen it before, I am genuinely tweeking about whatever future dejavu shit this was