Are there multiple Du'mets?

Although the game clearly said it was Hector Munday behind Du'met, there was some hint of multiple Du'mets. 1)Mark said this to Charlie reunited with him ( are there more than one killers) after swimming pool scene.

2) When the girls planned to trap Du'met, bait Jaime trapped him in between walls but he magically escaped.

3) Before the axe chase after the maze garden scene, there were multiple Du'met statues which could be subtle hint of multiple Du'mets.

4) After the axe chase scene, the girls fell off to forest, it was 3:57 A.M. At the same time Mark and Charlie went to the curing facility. The Du'met showed up was carrying knife instead of Axe. The camera focused on knife for a while as if they tried to hint it to the viewers.

5) After polliceman arrives, he first threw molotov from above and almost immediately after chopped police's hand off.

6) He was seriously injured at boat fighting scene. He was tied with a iron shackle around his neck and crushed to propeller. The chance of his survival was too low, considering he isn't a superhuman. Just later that day, he was seen taking the mask.

7) Throughout the story, he moved around different locations too fast. I know the house is like giant connected web but if you connect all the dots I described above, it's a possibility of a twin Hector/ Du'met.