Does this guy like me? Please i need help
So this guy from my class i like him (but idk if im just confused cause i just got out from a relationship). Okay let me tell everything that ive been noticing. First is when i was still in a relationship he kept his distance then but my friend (who just told me just recently that she liked him before and was jealous of me cause she noticed things with him too) lets call her Angelie and we always go together to recess and to the restroom. And there was this one day that i was crying alot because my current bf at the time (now my ex) wanted me to go his subdivision for us to go to school together well guess what! He stood me up just to go with his friends cause they were apparently gonna get "jumped" so i just wasted money for his bullsh 🙄. So now im late but just in time for cause my teacher is late too and we needed to practice that time for our competitive dance that ofc competes to have the best dance or jingle. I got to my classroom and they were starting practice and i tried to practice too but i cried (such a crybaby) so they let me sit down for a while and they comforted me, well my now crush lets call him Riley hes a moreno, has glasses, hes attractive i guess(idk maybe theres just not alot of handsome guys in our school) but he was smart as hell. Not proud of this but i kind of liked him even when i was in a relationship but only for a while, anyway back to the story. Well Riley was kind of nosy, or someone already made a rumour on the spot cause my classmate asked "whats wrong? Did you and Von break up? Riley told me." (Von is my ex's name) Well i denied it duh but i was a little surprised that Riley said that cause i never said anything abt a break up but i just let it slide. After our first period me and Angelie were going to the canteens and we were on the second floor so we were going downstairs before someone asked if I were okay, we looked up and it was Riley and i said im good and i was surprised cause he never checks up on anyone (in our class) and we instantly began to gossip (me and Angelie). That was one thing and then we were assigned to be grouped together and my other classmates and me and Riley sat down together cause we were basically the pillars of that group cause we were both smart (for me idk) and Angelie was behind us and was laughing and others too and i was confused cause what are they laughing at? But i paid it no mind and continued to do what me and Riley are doing. After that me and Angelie were gossiping again and she brought up what happend earlier abt them laughing. She said that Riley's ears were turning red was nervous (she always says that shes like detective Conan whoever that is) and i was asking more abt it and she gave me answers and then after that we never interacted again cause another girl lets call her Alexa, she likes Riley longer than me. I never ever wanted to have a crush on Riley then cause i didnt want to hurt Alexa or for her to hate me so i kept my distance. Well a few quarter goes by and now we're in the last quarter, now hes chatting me alot (i broke up with my bf now) and i always let him do the first move cause i dont want to seem like im begging for attention or something. Thats when i started to have a crush on him while we talk (i kind of despised him then cause he was too friendly to girls now look what ive gotten myself into). He frequently calls me pretty and like just today i posted a story and he messages me "so pretty" like WHATAFUWVSHSHWBS idk if he likes me or not and also i told him that i have a crush and i didnt tell him that it was him and he said "he will 100 percent have a crush on you too cause your pretty and pretty fine (or neat) but idk" and idk if hes just being friendly but idk i have another story of what happend to me cause of having a crush on him too but lets just see if anyone sees this. AND PLEASE TELL ME IF HE LIKES ME!!