Copper IUD removal After 5 days
Removal is done.
For all the people that left really encouraging words and also their experience, you guys really helped me on the way to my appointment lol. I was reading your comments, like i got this, be proud, it's your body. :)
It took about 5 - 10 mins for the actual removal.
Emotional release from the physical release was so visceral, literally silent crying Physical release caused some cramping in the moment - as of now i do not feel the cramping as much, but i don't know if there will be risidual cramping later one thing i noticed straight away, is when i sit down, i don't feel the sharp pain that was right below my stomach and above my cervix. although this private clinic, they definetly make an effort to care for you both in the insertion and removal. I think one comment got to me was that she made it a point to say that the copper doesn't affect emotions because it's not hormonal. I'm not stupid, the copper caused inflamation, which made my mental and physical system stressed, which caused me to be emotional. So just because there is not a direct causation, does not mean there is no direct correlation. Like my system recognised there is something weird in your body, tf is this?!? get it tf out?
I honestly feel so much better, I know it is going to take a couple of days for me to myself again but that's fine. I would rather be in recovery, than be in constant pain and emotional distress. I have to start thinking about other methods of contraception, for now, I think condoms should be fine. If there any other non-hormonal methods that have worked for you? please let me know in the comments below.
After 5 days of insertion I have decided to take out the IUD copper coil.
I feel like a failure, a sense of shame, but my mood, the cramps and everything in between I can’t handle it. I went through a private clinic so £375 + £155 for insert and removal. I’m not so much upset about the waist of money, but more about how I couldn’t handle the pain.
You can see my previous post I was happy with the insertion.
After reading about long term effects, I don’t want to find out whether I would get them or not.
I thought I could push the pain with pain killers, yoga, hot water bottle but I literally feel weak.
Clearly there is a foreign body in my Cervix and it needs to be removed.
I do hope that whoever decides to get the IUD copper coil that it really works out for you and that you are the lucky ones.
Wish me luck for my appointment tomorrow.
If anyone wants to know how the removal went, comment below :)
Have a good evening.