I recently applied to Mines 3 weeks ago for Environmental Engineering and got accepted today! (Applied September 21st)
Mines was one of my reach schools and I couldn't believe I got in. My stats shown below are under the middle 50 range for GPA (3.8-4.0) and I also didn't submit SAT because I got a 1280 (My reading score was terrible). My high school is pretty competitive and offers Physics C and Calc 3 which I did not take. However, my weighted GPA is much higher than most people who even have a 4.00 Unweighted. One of the reasons why I think I got accepted is for my extracurriculars and supplemental questions.
UW GPA: 3.775/4.00 (Every semester I either got 1 or 2 Bs)
W GPA: 5.05/6.00 (My school does a 3-tier system: regular//accelerated//honors and AP) If I had to say what that was on a 5-point scale I would think it's a 4.22/5.00
I took 9 AP Classes and 2 College Level Classes (1 Freshman Year, 2 Sophomore Year, 3 Junior Year, 3+2 Senior Year)
Human Geo = 4
U.S. Gov = 5
Computer Science Principles = 4
Computer Science A = 4
Environmental Science = 4
U.S. History = 3 (Did not submit)
Calculus BC = in progress
Physics 1 = in progress
Biology = in progress
Reading Writing and Inquiry = Indiana University Dual Credit
Literary Interpretation = Indiana University Dual Credit
Extracurriculars and Awards (My Best Ones)
Co-Founder/President of Ukrainian Club
Captain of Sustainability Club
Manager of Music Department/Hosts On-Air Music Show (WLTL Radio #1 High School Radio Station in U.S.)
2 Years Running Cross Country (Varsity) 2 Years Running Track (Varsity) 2 Years Playing Soccer (Fresh/Soph)
University of Illinois WYSE 3-week Online Engineering Program Shark Tank Winner
AP Scholar With Distinction
Co-MVP Sophomore Soccer Team
Best of luck to anyone else who is applying. Please share your stats and if you got in below! I used to stress about statistics all the time so hopefully people can see that even if you are out of range, you still have a chance.