He’s going to cancel himself
I’ve been watching Caleb for months now and have been a huge fan of his work. His drive and work ethic is motivating. I truly want him to succeed so I even sub to his post show. With the way content has been recently I’m scared he’s going to cancel himself. I love dark humor but his content has crossed the line way too often. That poor kid after a breakup was truly heartbreaking. As someone who’s gone through a bad breakup, the last thing you want to hear is get over it and go sleep with someone else. The break up was less than a week ago!! You can see in his eyes how he was hurting and Caleb exploited that. How can we get Caleb to see that he’s not on a good path to success?? The more he does this, the less people will want to watch or even come on the show. His show was so entertaining when he was exploiting their finance situation but now he’s exploiting them as a person. It just rubs me the wrong way. Edit: Also, I’ve noticed that it changed drastically when Noah started. Do you think he’s influencing Caleb?