What Moments in BLAQK CLOVER Stand Out to you the Most
That is my Question
What Moments in BLAQK CLOVER stands out for you the most and why and what makes this moment so important, so Awesome or so Hilarious? Or a combination of all 3
And how did effect the Series going forward specially now that we head to the Conclusion of the Series?
Please put Spoiler Bars on any Manga Spoilers
So Lets do this BLACK Clover Fans
Art by yūki tabata
That is my Question
What Moments in BLAQK CLOVER stands out for you the most and why and what makes this moment so important, so Awesome or so Hilarious? Or a combination of all 3
And how did effect the Series going forward specially now that we head to the Conclusion of the Series?
Please put Spoiler Bars on any Manga Spoilers
So Lets do this BLACK Clover Fans
Art by yūki tabata