I made every wrong decision today. should I resign already?
I had the shittiest day of my job so far. So I am booked on 3 gds engagements. I have work on all 3 engagements. all three are in different phases. I have 2-3 staff 1. fyi staff 1 in GDS don't even know excel. Ive been having behaviourial and quality issues with one staff. who is very sensitive. whenever I talk to her about this she literally sobbs. everytime she leaves the work incomplete especially during fillings I have to complete and handover off to PT. she makes me feel anxious . mistake one- I mailed to my line manager and sm about the issue and they simply said to get acknowledgement from her. which makes sense. but I just could'nt mail what if she takes pressure in that too.
mistake no. 2 - I held a call with the above staff who said I should lower my expectation. and later left the work in the middle saying it too much for her to take. now that work is also pending.
mistake 3 - i had worked on an area in py which none of my other team member are ready to take up. so weeks back I help a staff work on it and review. so now we have to give update on this client I wasn't booked on. I should'nt have taken up this work.
mistake 4- I cried I'm front of my manager. second hand embarrassment.
mistake 5- I was unable to complete reviews on time. just managed to make things move. I later on found out after sending status i missed out some supports that I should've asked earlier.
today was a shitty day and like me. this is a rant
edit the staff I'm having issues with is an experienced staff not a staff 1