How would you retcon the "Ben copied the Universe, and original ones are long dead" part in OV if Ben 10 ever had a new series as continuation of original timeline?
We all know how badly the episode "So long, and thanks for all the smoothies" executed the destruction of the prime universe and recreated it as a "copy" and implying that everyone we knew and loved are long dead and gone. I personally didn't liked that episode because of how poorly it was written and how they played it off as a joke while it is being a very serious and dark concept and how they showed Ben as he couldn't care less about the fact that everyone is dead.
So I thought if we got another show as the continuation of prime timeline, and if you are the writer, how would you retcon something like this and how would you write the story to more justify it as not everyone died in the process.
We all know how badly the episode "So long, and thanks for all the smoothies" executed the destruction of the prime universe and recreated it as a "copy" and implying that everyone we knew and loved are long dead and gone. I personally didn't liked that episode because of how poorly it was written and how they played it off as a joke while it is being a very serious and dark concept and how they showed Ben as he couldn't care less about the fact that everyone is dead.
So I thought if we got another show as the continuation of prime timeline, and if you are the writer, how would you retcon something like this and how would you write the story to more justify it as not everyone died in the process.