What did I do? Oh god
So I decided to try my first Honor run. Everything was going swell. Looked up some OP builds. My camp was stocked with supplies. I managed to get up to 2.5k gold even after buying some nice items. Cleared the goblin camp. Killed most of the gnolls.
Then oh wait! I forgot to expose Kagha and the shadow druids to get the blade ward gloves from Zevlor.
I fast traveled to the grove without talking to Halsin thinking maybe I'll have until the next long rest get Zevlor's sweet mittens, but they were already set to leave. And effin Halsin came back on his own.
So I'm like w/e let's just do the party.
Now I'm thinking. Hey I'll move some boxes around, cast an illusion and pickpocket Zevlor. Got to where I couldn't be seen. Had a good chance. Failed.
Immediately aggrod all the Tieflings..and KARLACH??? Who I just got fixed up by Dammon literally 5 minutes before. And HALSIN who I just saved??? Astarion was the only homie who helped out and immediately killed Danis.
There wasn't even a dialogue option to pay or bard myself out of the situation.
So I turned on non lethal attacks, had Lae'zel knock everyone out, had to kill Karlach because combat wouldn't end with her knocked out.
Needless to say I got the gloves..
Then I res Karlach and she's all "you see all these people happy? We did that!". Oh honey we just murdered everyone...
Then Astarion does his complaining about being a hero, YOU LITERALLY JUST SNIPED DOWN DANIS!!!!
Oh man is my run screwed?