What are your company's headcount and turnover goals? [WI]

I work for a manufacturing company with 100-ish employees and the goals are being set for my annual review.

I'd like to get some context to what other companies consider successful.

Historically, we have hovered around 80-90% headcount. I started midway through 2023. In 2024 I managed to average 93% headcount which they were very impressed with. Now my goal is being set-anything under 95% is considered "underperforming." To get a "high performer" score I would need to average 96-99%. To receive the top score I would need to average 100% for the year.

Also, they want to set that anything greater than 25% turnover as "underperforming". We averaged 28% last year which is down from 60% in 2023 and 55% in 2022. Industry average is 30-40%. To get the highest score we would have to have turnover under 20%.

Is this as wildly unreasonable as it feels?