My Anxiety Symptoms ... Are They "Normal"?

Hello, today I come to tell you a little about my most frequent symptoms when I have anxiety and I would like to know if some of you also have them.

  • Tremors: Almost all day I have tremors in my hands and legs, it shows when I stretch my arm and hand. Also when I wake up I have feelings of a lot of energy in those parts of the body and I have to get it out by exercising, I feel like I want to run and get away from everything.
  • Tics: Tics in the hands or in the hip, usually when I am sitting, are not so common or do not recur as much during the day, and they are not visible to the naked eye but when I have them it feels strange.
  • Dizziness: When I stand up, I feel like I'm moving or can't keep my balance well, although it's not as noticeable to the eye.
  • Pessimistic thoughts: Finally, almost whenever I have the above sensations, ideas come to my mind that I may be sick with some fatal disease or that one of these days I will not be able to control myself anymore and my body will get out of control.

I hope these symptoms are caused by anxiety and not something else. Thanks for reading and I await your comment.