Family of 4 beginning exploration of leaving US. Overwhelmed by options. Need guidance.
Edit: I guess I should clarify I am overwhelmed by the research process and all the information available to make the right choice. Not by the amount of options I physically have. I feel like my options are VERY limited, s can’t decide if it’s better to stay or go….
We are a family of four (33F and 34M with two small children) that currently lives in the southern US and are wanting to take steps to explore a country that will be great for our children (4 year old and 11 month old).
I’m (33F) a digital marketing professional with 7 years experience and my husband is a business analyst for a tech healthcare company. He has prior experience in the hotel industry in management.
My biggest concerns are healthcare accessibility (I have type 1 diabetes), safety and education for my children, and political stability. I was exploring Canada for a while, but also have been looking into maybe some European companies as well. My job is fully remote and they do have openings in the UK and Spain.
We are all currently only English speaking however I’m ready to learn any new language that is needed to thrive in whatever country we decide to move to.
How do we decide where to go? I am fearful of things being “grass is always greener” mentality. I know everywhere has problems, but I’m not sure how to get a clear picture of the pros and cons of a place solely by looking online… I unfortunately don’t have a lot in savings, but we do have a home to sell that we could get the money from afterwards.
Any advice from families in similar scenarios that did manage to move?