Confused about my energy bill, need advice!
So I moved into a new place, and I had my previous Evergy Account paid off and transferred to the new address (provided verification number upon moving in); since then I've been getting the usual texts about how much the bill was going to be, and paying it on time. This month I didn't get a message and called to check and suddenly I owe nothing? But issue is my account number isn't recognized when I attempted to pay my bill on the phone as I do every month. I thought it was weird, so I pressed the button to view the current amount due and service number it said something crazy like 2000 and I don't recognize the service number.
I checked my email and I'd get those notifications that say "Your projected bill is expected to be [so and so]" and it seems like it was always much higher than what I was getting notices to pay (and paying off to a zero balance)
Sorry to ramble, but I'm worried if I call them they'll say I owe that amount- when I could keep my mouth shut and see what happens? Cause I doubt if it is my balance that they'd honor the bills i paid in full.
I find it weird that I suddenly can't pay my bill and the zero balance. Don't want to wake up to the power being off and having a crazy balance I don't know about.