Right to Bear 9mm bolt 62.75 + ship/tax
Passing on a deal I just found. Right to Bear has their 2-piece hybrid Colt/Glock bolt on "Deal of the Day" for 62.75. Ship to my location is 7.70 USPS. 70.45 total. No, the "lucky13" coupon does not apply (I tried).
This is a 2 piece bolt (not compatible with some folding buffer systems) and has an internal 1911-style extractor.
This type of bolt, and this one in particular, has been recommended by lefties to help prevent gas blowback into the face. Gasses tend to follow the external extrctor channel cut in the side of external-extractor bolts and blow a jet of gas directly into a lefties face. The internal extractor bolts don't have the external channel. Coupled with a gas deflector, it should help a lot, especially with suppressed setups.
Gas ejection study of different extractor bolts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzIW0wi8bDQ
For everyone else, it may be a good budget build bolt. I don't have one (yet) to test, so I can't give an opinion on it's usability/suitabilty for different triggers/setups or any potential issues - sorry.
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