AITAH for lying?????

I got laid off last July. We have since been living at my in laws’ place. I am married to a beautiful wife and we have 1, 14 month old girl.

Since getting laid off I have been trying to find contract work. Any work, related to my field that I can do and make ends meet.

One of my friend’s family is in risk business and my friend introduced me to her parents. We have been looking at potential contracts for me since our meeting last August. They have never had an Actuary contractor so they have been finding ways to help me.

Meanwhile I have been looking for other contracts / jobs.

This January was our daughter’s 1st bday and I invited my friend among other people. I explicitly told my wife to not share me looking for other contracts / jobs to her as she closely works with her parents in their business.

Finally, I land a 7 month contract but didn’t want to share that with anyone else. I figure why to disclose unnecessary info that I don’t have to disclose. I am thinking it may or may not hamper business from other sources. No conflict of interest or anything, just keeping my cards open in case another opportunity strikes.

Now my wife casually talking on instagram with my friend mentions that I have another contract. My friend is obviously alarmed and probes her. She spills the beans. This happened last Wednesday / Thursday.

I found out today - while scrolling instagram on my wife’s phone about their conversation. I don’t keep instagram on my phone because I get lost in scroll doom super easy. I ask my wife about it and she says - it’s my fault for lying to people and being sneaky.

I am conducting my business my way and even after explicitly telling my wife to not mention anything about my business to anyone (especially my friend), she spills the beans. Which is fine. I am mad that she didn’t even tell me about it, as if nothing happened. And on top tells me it’s my fault for hiding things / lying.

In fact I had a meeting with my friend’s father today and they offered me a contract. The meeting went smooth - he didn’t ask me about other contracts or anything. I am mad that because I wasn’t made aware of her spilling beans, I could have said something that could have potentially put a dent in this contract and relationship.

I am very upset. Is it my fault? AITAH?