Did you also get weird responses when you told people you had ADHD?

So I am in the process of getting checked for ADHD. I've always suspected I have it but never acted on it (I wrote a post about this on here a few days ago - you were all incredibly supportive). I have mentioned to a few people that I decided to take steps towards a diagnosis and the response I got from some of them left me sort of weirded out.

It was something like "oh if we really look into it we all have some degree of ADHD". I understand the underlying argument - attention spans are getting shorter, restlessness is worsening. But as you all know there's much more than that.

As I tried to explain to them, there are days where my head feels like it's literally about to explode because the thoughts are just one on top of another. I doubt that's how everyone feels. It's not a quirky thing I'm doing because it's trendy - I remember there being a similar response a few years back to people who had diagnoses of GAD or depression too (the "we are all anxious/depressed", sort of normalising it but in a way that takes meaning away from it).

Did this happen to you too? I guess I just felt like ranting. It was a defining moment for me when I decided to start the process formally - the realisation of something. And this kind of response just made me feel deeply misunderstood.

EDIT: thank you all, this was once again very supportive. I did some thinking during the night (because that's what nights are for) and had a chat with my partner - we both came to the conclusion that the people I'm referring to in particular actually have some marked traits themselves. So I wonder how much of it is also underplaying the role it had in their own life to avoid confronting it.