Malicious misgendering in this sub. What's the deal with that?
More than i can count on one hand now over these last weeks, I will see somebody in this sub misgender someone on purpose out of spite. Like someone wrote "she" about lily tino and sometimes people will just flat out misgender a nonbinary person and use the pronoun of their agab on purpose just because they are acting problematic or are cringe. Wtf? Look I hate trenders and problematic people as much as the next guy, but can we fucking stop with the actual misgendering? Like what the actual fuck how would you like it if anyone else misgendered you on purpose?? Can we just have the absolute basic decency to respect peoples chosen pronouns?? Like what the actual hell? Its just the utmost least of respect. Even if my dad transitioned (one of the only humans on earth i feel real hatred for) i wouldnt misgender him..? Id disrespect him in every other way, but this is about principles and the cause for respecting and protecting our human rights as trans people. God!
(I draw the line on neopronouns like dogself and xe xir whatever tho haha, and young women who claim they are trans men while presenting hyper feminine, but like at least just use "they" then.)